Rihanna Sex Video Event Scam Spreads on Facebook.
Rihanna Sex Video Event Scam Spreads on Facebook.
Be on your guard if you see any
of your Facebook friends post a message about an alleged Rihanna sex video:
A number of Naked Security
readers tipped me off to the messages that were appearing across the social
network in the form of event invitations.
If you are a fan of Rihanna's hip-grinding Bajan tunes then you
might well be tempted to explore further, and click on the link which would
take you to a Facebook page like the following:
If you're wondering what on
earth y.ahoo.it is, it's not the Italian version of the "Ahoo" search
engine, but rather a URL shortener in the style of bit.ly or Twitter's t.co.
Facebook's security team is blocking the links as they have been
reported as malicious, but it's always possible that whoever is behind this
scam could use another disguise to try to waltz past that protection.
In the past, scams like this have been used
to earn affiliates money by driving traffic to surveys or have installed Mac malware onto the computers of visiting
Facebook users.
Scams like this only spread because of human's natural
curiousity and desire to watch a sleazy celebrity sex video.
If you were fooled into participating in this scam make sure
that any remnants of it have been removed from your newsfeed, and delete any
messages or events you may have inadvertently shared with your friends
That way at least you are no longer spreading it with your
online chums.
Make sure that you keep informed about the
latest scams spreading fast across Facebook and other internet attacks. Join
the Sophos page on Facebook,
where over 200,000 people regularly share information on threats and discuss
the latest security news.